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My Story

Leo Nelson got his start as a senior in High school, the event DJ was a no show, so being the funny guy, He decided to go on stage and pretend to be the DJ. He later purchased yellow turntables which he named “Bumble Bee” and never looked back.

Since then, Leo has built his reputation as the beloved DJ Network. The name was given to him by fellow entrepreneurs and independent artist alike because at every event he attended he was always 

connecting and introducing himself and others, thus the name DJ Network stuck. More than just a party DJ—his dedication, reliability, approachable poise allows him to connect with people, spark emotion, and liven any special occasion.

Formally from Miami, Florida and raised in New York and Atlanta, He was exposed to all types of music which influence his musical style. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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