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The Minister

Coming Soon

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My Story

At the age of 15 with less than a year left until my high school graduation  I dropped out afterwards it wasn't long before my unchecked curiosity and  reckless lifestyle led me right into the destructive clutches of Drugs and Alcohol.  I Got Signed To A Major Record Label In Miami at About The same time and felt  like. I had a Promising Future doing music about Drugs Violence and girls...It  wasn’t long before the drugs and alcohol destroyed everything. I came back to  Atlanta in an attempt to start over but my addiction only got worse. In midst of  attempting to support a $500.00 a day drug habit I found myself  breaking into peoples houses at all hours of the night, robbing dope dealers and  stealing from my own friend and family members including my mother.  After being locked up over 41 times, almost overdosed on two separate occasions  and three separate suicide attempts I had literally lost everything, Including my  will to live. 


In August of 2002 about 3:00 PM the Spirit Of The HOLY GHOST descended upon me in the middle of the boulevard and instantly delivered me.  It's Now Been about 15 years since I’ve  touch any drugs or alcohol in any way....But The GLORY BELONGS TO MY  ONE TRUE SAVIOR JESUS THE CHRIST.  It  wasn’t long before the drugs and alcohol destroyed everything.   I came back to  Atlanta in an attempt to start over but my addiction only got worse.   In midst of  attempting to support a $500.00 a day drug habit I found myself  breaking into peoples houses at all hours of the night, robbing dope dealers and  stealing from my own friend and family members including my mother.  After being locked up over 41 times, almost overdosed on two separate occasions  and three separate suicide attempts I had literally lost everything, Including my  will to live.

At the end of the day the Lord has called me to use my gifts to gather the your and give them the message of the cross through Hip Hop. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

The Minister

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